Today I: Got to the airport way too early

A car hit one of the poles in the neighborhood and took out electricity for about 500 of our neighbors. I was fortunate enough to have just finished making breakfast and everything went dark.

The upside is the line was wicked short, right through security in less than two minutes. Now I have two hours before we start boarding and somehow my place in line is B 55!

Years ago I spent a ton of time in airports and I looked forward to all the people watching.

I do miss the days when you could walk right in, without a ticket, all the way to the gates to meet people coming into town.

When I was younger I always wondered how much metal it would take to set off the metal detectors, that was all they had back in those days. I must have been in 1st or 2nd grade when I wore a button up vest with a ton of metal buttons. I loaded my vest pockets with all the pennies I could find with the hopes of setting it off.

Of course I did. I assume people were annoyed but all I could remember is smiling as I pulled handfuls of coins out of my pockets.

Another time I was maybe five hours early for a flight getting to the airport at maybe 1 am for a 6 am flight. At some point I fell asleep and magically I sprang awake as I see the line disappearing into the plane outside. I was in San Diego and you boarded by walking outside and up the stairs to the jet. I think I made it with a few seconds to spare and was slightly annoyed no one woke me up. There wasn’t anyone around anywhere, why else would I be in the gate?

Then there was a time when I flew on a private jet. I just walked up to the plane and off we went. If only that was the way I could travel all the time.

One thought on “Today I: Got to the airport way too early

  1. Thanks for sharing. I like to get there early. I feel like airports are a great place to wander and watch. Lately, they feel a little germy, but I still like to see folks eagerly waiting to go somewhere, anywhere. Hope your flight went well.

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